Three Evenings of Stockhausen’s „Licht“ in Holland 2019

Henk van der Meulen, initiator of the three evenings „Licht“ project

The Amsterdam Opera and the Conservatory of The Hague are coproducing three evenings with fifteen hours of „Licht“ by Stockhausen at the Holland Festival 2019. The performers are music students and Pierre Audi will make a „mise en espace“ (a mixture between theatrical scene and concert). The project was initiated some years ago by Henk van der Meulen, Principal at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague and Vice President of the IMZ Vienna. In the following interview he explains the concept and the ongoing preparations of the huge project.

Stockhausen’s „Licht“, leaflet (p.2) for the Holland Festival production 2019

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